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Importance of Physical Activity by Pliagility Health & the CDC

Writer's picture: Sean Hayes, CEO PliagilitySean Hayes, CEO Pliagility

Updated: May 27, 2022

The U.S. Center for Disease Control & Prevention ("CDC") and the majority of people in the healthcare industry agree that regular physical activity and a good diet are key components to enjoying a healthy, long, prosperous and fulfilling life. You can do it and Pliagility has a way for you to succeed in fulfilling your health and wellness needs through a cutting-edge program delivered by leading trainers and nutrition coaches.

Pliagility, Fitness Trainers in New York, Fitness Programs, Sean Hayes

The U.S. Center for Disease Control & Prevention Recommends Regular Physical Activity

U.S. CDC published a useful article that discusses the benefits of Physical Activity. The article notes, in part, that:

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Everyone can experience the health benefits of physical activity - age, abilities, ethnicity, shape or size does not matter.
Major Benefits of Regular Exercise

According to the CDC the major benefits of regular experience is:

  • Weight Management

  • Improved Thinking & Cognition

  • Reduced Likelihood of Cardiovascular Disease

  • Reduced Likelihood of Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome

  • Reduced Likelihood of Depression & Anxiety

  • Reduced Likelihood of Certain Cancers

  • Improved Strength of Bones & Muscles

  • Increased Likelihood of Extending your Life

  • Decreased Likelihood of Falls

  • Decreased Likelihood of Injury from Everyday Activities.

The full article by the CDC can be found at: Benefits of Physical Activity.

How can the Pliagility Program Help you Achieve Your Health, Fitness & Wellness Goals?

We here at Pliagility have learned through research and experience that weight training, cardio workouts, and stretching is essential for building Pliable and Agile Muscles. Thus, we created the Pliagility Program. The word Pliagility is the the combination of the word Pliable and Agile - two key attributes for a strong, lean, and health body.

Our founder, Sean Hayes, a busy international lawyer, law professor and politician wanted to share his passion for fitness and his challenges in weight management to a wider audience than his friends and family. Sean believes that a busy schedule is not an excuse for not taking care of your health and found that few programs on the market broke things down to basics, were science based and lacked the ability for most busy professionals to follow. Sean Hayes, simply, was fed up with the numerous charlatans in the healthcare industry that sell bullshit "Biohacks;" "Scientific Breakthroughs;" and "Secret Ancient Berries & Magic Beans."

Thus, after over three-years of conducting an exhaustive review of science-based literature, interviewing industry professionals and utilizing are personal experience in training, coaching and participation in sports to build a science-based tech-driven program that motivates participants up the steps to a lean, strong and healthy self.

The Pliagility Program is proud to be based on the best science available, a cutting-edge app and measurable and trackable matrixes that motivate students of Pliagility to become lean, strong and healthy.

What is Muscle Pliability & Muscle Agility?

Muscle pliability is the state of having highly elastic, flexible and resilient muscles. Muscle Pliagility training focuses on developing muscle tissues, connective tissues, joints, and ligaments in order to develop flexible and highly elastic muscles. Muscle pliability exercises combine anaerobic, aerobic and functioning training exercises in a fun and rewarding trackable Pliagility Program.

Muscle Agility is the ability of a muscle to act quickly, efficiently and safely. Muscle agility training focuses on developing a strong, lean and healthy body through anaerobic, aerobic and functioning training exercises in a fun, rewarding science-based trackable Pliagility Program.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Coach or Checkout out the Pliagility App to see how Pliagility can serve your health and fitness needs and goals.

CEO, Pliagility

The Pliagility Personal Training Program

Pliagility developed a science-based and data-driven mobile application and training method that is delivered by leading personal trainers and nutrition coaches online and in person.

The Fitness Industry is, sadly, led by many scam marketers and influencers hell-bent on selling, at any cost, bull "BioHacks;" "Scientific Breakthroughs;" "Secret Sauces;" and Magic Berries & Beans. We here at Pliagility were fed up and decided that a better way exists. Thus, over a three-year period and decades of experience our team developed The Pliagility Program after reading, testing and researching the major peer-reviewed literature, programs, diets and supplements. Pliagility can be delivered online and in person. Simply - we are the better Mouse Trap.

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